I have been watching alot of aliens recently. I bought the quadrilogy which in my opinion is a great buy. So when I saw my roommate had this movie I had to watch it. Basically this film is about a group of scientists who discover a hot spot in Antarctica and decide to check it out. When they reach this hot spot it turns out to be a temple. Where an alien queen lives. Basically Predators show up also and this group of scientists now have to fight there way out.
I didn't mind the plot too much. I felt as if everything was already used and I didn't like the fact that the (spolier) Predators joined up with the human at the end. It felt so unneeded. The plot overall wasnt that good, but the effects were pretty well done.
The characters themselves weren't very well done. None of the characters I really cared if they made it out. The acting was quite dull and nobody's performance really stood out.
The dialogue was alright I wouldn't say it was bad, but I wouldn't say its good.
This is a very average movie. If you have nothing else to watch and maybe want to see a couple well done effects action scenes watch this movie, but other then that I would pass on this movie.
Plot- 5
Dialogue- 6
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
American Wedding
American Wedding is the 3rd installment to the American Pie series. By now many of the jokes have been used in the first two films so the writers have to come up with new material. Is it funny? Well yes and no.
American Wedding is about Jim and Michelle getting married. Basically Stifler shows up uninvited and all the trouble and nonsense gets going. The overall plot of the film is ok. I liked some things about it but all in all it was a basic comedy plot. Some of the jokes were funny (role switch with Stifler and Finch) some were not ( the whole gay bar scene). The plot itself wasn't too hard to follow and made sense which is good for a comedy.
The acting was quite good. Which since most of the actors and actress have been doing to same characters for such a long time I would hope they get them on cue this time around. I was dissappointed in how many characters were not able to return, but I did enjoy some of the new characters. It will be interesting to see which ones return in American Reunion. Which I am hoping all of them.
The dialogue itself was quite funny. There were a lot of jokes that had me laughing. Other jokes I thought were quite stupid.
I can say overall for a third round at American Pie this is not bad. Yes the plot is a little boring and some of the dialogue isn't very good. Its great to see the actors and actresses grow up and I can say I am quite excited to see the new one!
Plot- 8
Dialogue- 7
American Wedding is about Jim and Michelle getting married. Basically Stifler shows up uninvited and all the trouble and nonsense gets going. The overall plot of the film is ok. I liked some things about it but all in all it was a basic comedy plot. Some of the jokes were funny (role switch with Stifler and Finch) some were not ( the whole gay bar scene). The plot itself wasn't too hard to follow and made sense which is good for a comedy.
The acting was quite good. Which since most of the actors and actress have been doing to same characters for such a long time I would hope they get them on cue this time around. I was dissappointed in how many characters were not able to return, but I did enjoy some of the new characters. It will be interesting to see which ones return in American Reunion. Which I am hoping all of them.
The dialogue itself was quite funny. There were a lot of jokes that had me laughing. Other jokes I thought were quite stupid.
I can say overall for a third round at American Pie this is not bad. Yes the plot is a little boring and some of the dialogue isn't very good. Its great to see the actors and actresses grow up and I can say I am quite excited to see the new one!
Plot- 8
Dialogue- 7
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Alien is a good movie. By watching it now you are still getting a fun ride for a 30 year old film. Alien is about you guessed it an Alien who attacks a crew of a space ship ways away from earth.
The plot itself is quite good. By using dimly lit corridors and steam the atmosphere of the movie helps set the plot. Space science fiction has always been interesting to me so this movie to me was interesting. The acting was ok also. All of the crew members were believable in their terror except for one who was a bit annoying toward the end of the film. Thankfully I think after they casted her the writers thought she was annoying too as she doesn't make it out alive. The dialogue wasn't very much focused on. The parts it was like the dinner scene were alright. Nothing really stuck out as awful. Once again silence was used way more to keep the eerie feeling in the spaceship.
Overall this movie was quite good. Alien has not aged badly and the effects aren't too bad. You can tell certain effects are quite old, but for the most part the models do look real. I really enjoyed the eerie feeling you felt throughout the movie. I thought the plot itself was great and maybe with a remake in the future sometime a director can take advantage of new effects, because this plot is good enough for a second round! If you can get over the somewhat old costume design and effects your looking at having quite a fun time with this movie.
Plot- 9.5
Dialogue- 9
Overall- 9
The plot itself is quite good. By using dimly lit corridors and steam the atmosphere of the movie helps set the plot. Space science fiction has always been interesting to me so this movie to me was interesting. The acting was ok also. All of the crew members were believable in their terror except for one who was a bit annoying toward the end of the film. Thankfully I think after they casted her the writers thought she was annoying too as she doesn't make it out alive. The dialogue wasn't very much focused on. The parts it was like the dinner scene were alright. Nothing really stuck out as awful. Once again silence was used way more to keep the eerie feeling in the spaceship.
Overall this movie was quite good. Alien has not aged badly and the effects aren't too bad. You can tell certain effects are quite old, but for the most part the models do look real. I really enjoyed the eerie feeling you felt throughout the movie. I thought the plot itself was great and maybe with a remake in the future sometime a director can take advantage of new effects, because this plot is good enough for a second round! If you can get over the somewhat old costume design and effects your looking at having quite a fun time with this movie.
Plot- 9.5
Dialogue- 9
Overall- 9
Monday, December 12, 2011
From Paris with Love
Congratulations to From Paris with Love for being my first netflix movie review! Now is the actual movie good?
This movie is basically about a government agent working for the government in Paris. Agent Reese is trying to work his way up in the ranks. Eventually and ironically the same night his french girlfriend asks him to marry him he gets a call. The phone call tells him to pick up another agent who has just arrived in Paris. At the airport he meets Agent Wax and his adventure begins!
The plot felt disconnected. What I mean by this is they seemed on just making sure their were over the top action scenes. I feel like I was watching a movie that the action scenes were made before the plot. The whole girlfriend working for the bad guys is nothing new to me with all the movies I have seen. They whole doing coke thing was unneeded and not very funny. Like comon is an FBI agent really going to be talked in to doing coke when he could possibly be tested and lose his job? Like I mentioned before the action scenes are great and fun but I felt disconnected from the story as a whole. Without spoiling too much the ending felt over used with the whole trying to make an anti-hero into a hero.
The acting was quite good for this type of film. The acting for the most part was good. At some parts it did feel stale and I felt like Travolta was trying to hard to try to be like Bruce Willis from Die Hard. Besides these minor problems I felt like the acting was good and Travolta played a good action type of hero.
The dialogue in my opinion was alright. Some lines didn't make much sense. With most action films the dialogue I feel was not as important as getting some crazy action scenes across. Some of the slower boyfriend girlfriend scenes had some ho hum lines also.
Overall this movie wasn't bad but it wasn't good. Travolta did a good job of trying to be a Bruce Willis Die Hard hero but the movies overall plot didn't grab my attention and felt overused and I felt like I had seen this movie already. If you want a quick 90 minute action film this movie is for you.
Plot- 6
Dialogue- 8
Overall- 7.5
This movie is basically about a government agent working for the government in Paris. Agent Reese is trying to work his way up in the ranks. Eventually and ironically the same night his french girlfriend asks him to marry him he gets a call. The phone call tells him to pick up another agent who has just arrived in Paris. At the airport he meets Agent Wax and his adventure begins!
The plot felt disconnected. What I mean by this is they seemed on just making sure their were over the top action scenes. I feel like I was watching a movie that the action scenes were made before the plot. The whole girlfriend working for the bad guys is nothing new to me with all the movies I have seen. They whole doing coke thing was unneeded and not very funny. Like comon is an FBI agent really going to be talked in to doing coke when he could possibly be tested and lose his job? Like I mentioned before the action scenes are great and fun but I felt disconnected from the story as a whole. Without spoiling too much the ending felt over used with the whole trying to make an anti-hero into a hero.
The acting was quite good for this type of film. The acting for the most part was good. At some parts it did feel stale and I felt like Travolta was trying to hard to try to be like Bruce Willis from Die Hard. Besides these minor problems I felt like the acting was good and Travolta played a good action type of hero.
The dialogue in my opinion was alright. Some lines didn't make much sense. With most action films the dialogue I feel was not as important as getting some crazy action scenes across. Some of the slower boyfriend girlfriend scenes had some ho hum lines also.
Overall this movie wasn't bad but it wasn't good. Travolta did a good job of trying to be a Bruce Willis Die Hard hero but the movies overall plot didn't grab my attention and felt overused and I felt like I had seen this movie already. If you want a quick 90 minute action film this movie is for you.
Plot- 6
Dialogue- 8
Overall- 7.5
King Kong (2005)
Let me first say that I love this movie and the original. When I was a kid I saw the original on TV and loved the T-Rex fight just like every other kid. Now coming back on this version I have seen this movie more times then I would like to count. I own 3 different copies of it and I have the most recent blu ray release of King Kong.
For those of you who don't know King Kong is about a film director, named Carl Denham who is trying to be a successful movie director during the great depression. While in New York he meets a recently laid off actress named Ann Darrow. He conveniences her to come shoot his movie with her as the main character. Another important character is Jack Driscoll, who is the writer of Carl's film and gets dragged along this adventure with Carl. Basically they take a ship and land on a mysterious island named Skull Island home to the mighty King Kong!
When it comes to the plot of this movie its a very thick and complex plot. There are many characters you meet besides the very few I mentioned. Many people hate the length and the amount of subplots in this movie. All I have to say is that people have to understand how difficult it is to remake King Kong a third time. When your using a movie that's been used over twice already, you have to come up with new stuff and new ideas. You can't just have the same basic plot. Yes, some of the subplots go no where, but many are important and interesting.
The Acting was quite good in this movie too. Naomi Watts did a great job as a beautiful Ann Darrow. Jack Black made a good kind of smart mouthed Carl Denham. Adriend Brody was greatly casted too. Yes Brody is not used to action type movies, but he does portray a play writer. I doubt a play writer would be very good at those types of stunts on Skull Island either. Even the Skull Islanders themselves were great and quite scary looking.
The dialogue was decent. There were a few lines I didn't quite understand especially during the love scenes on the venture voyage at the start. I think that is more because of Peter Jackson's non-experience with writing those kinds of scenes.
Overall I do enjoy watching this movie. Like I said before I have seen it many times and enjoy it every time. This is one of the movies that sparked my great interest in movies, whether it's collecting them, watching them, reviewing them, or making them. If you are looking for a good CGI packed thrill ride this is for you!
Plot- 9
Dialogue- 9.5
Overall- 9.5
For those of you who don't know King Kong is about a film director, named Carl Denham who is trying to be a successful movie director during the great depression. While in New York he meets a recently laid off actress named Ann Darrow. He conveniences her to come shoot his movie with her as the main character. Another important character is Jack Driscoll, who is the writer of Carl's film and gets dragged along this adventure with Carl. Basically they take a ship and land on a mysterious island named Skull Island home to the mighty King Kong!
When it comes to the plot of this movie its a very thick and complex plot. There are many characters you meet besides the very few I mentioned. Many people hate the length and the amount of subplots in this movie. All I have to say is that people have to understand how difficult it is to remake King Kong a third time. When your using a movie that's been used over twice already, you have to come up with new stuff and new ideas. You can't just have the same basic plot. Yes, some of the subplots go no where, but many are important and interesting.
The Acting was quite good in this movie too. Naomi Watts did a great job as a beautiful Ann Darrow. Jack Black made a good kind of smart mouthed Carl Denham. Adriend Brody was greatly casted too. Yes Brody is not used to action type movies, but he does portray a play writer. I doubt a play writer would be very good at those types of stunts on Skull Island either. Even the Skull Islanders themselves were great and quite scary looking.
The dialogue was decent. There were a few lines I didn't quite understand especially during the love scenes on the venture voyage at the start. I think that is more because of Peter Jackson's non-experience with writing those kinds of scenes.
Overall I do enjoy watching this movie. Like I said before I have seen it many times and enjoy it every time. This is one of the movies that sparked my great interest in movies, whether it's collecting them, watching them, reviewing them, or making them. If you are looking for a good CGI packed thrill ride this is for you!
Plot- 9
Dialogue- 9.5
Overall- 9.5
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Xmen First Class
Let me start by saying Xmen First Class is first in its class. Xmen first class is suppose to be a prequel to the orginal movies. First Class shows us the younger days of Professor X and Magneto as well as others. This story revolves around the Cuban Missile crisis. The plot is pretty well written. I enjoyed traveling to the different locations in the film and I felt like it all fit nicely. The scenes are great and one that really sticks out in my mind is the Argentinean bar with the former Nazis and Magneto. I really enjoyed following the story. The acting is great as well. I loved both performances by James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender who play Professor X and Magneto. I could really feel the anger from Magneto. Even the child actors at the beginning of the movie did a great job. The spoken Dialogue was ok. No bad lines come to mind and i felt the spoken lines did a great job of portraying the emotions of each character. Overall this is a great movie. If your looking for a good film with some top of the line action this movie is for you.
Plot- 10
Dialogue- 9
Overall- 9.5
Plot- 10
Dialogue- 9
Overall- 9.5
Monday, December 5, 2011
Captain America The First Avenger
Captain America is a great film in many ways. Captain America has a decent plot to it. The movie is about a very skinny guy who has a big heart. He wants to fight in the military during WW II, but his medical problems prevent him from fighting. Eventually, he gets his big chance and becomes Captain America! The plot is pretty much a basic superhero movie with a decent villain thrown in the mix. With some great action scenes toward the end of the movie.The acting was great. I really enjoyed Chris Evans I thought he did a great job as the Captain. I thought the acting had a dull nature to it which is not bad at all. Since all the characters were military personnel fighting in the war they are suppose to be dull. The dialogue was OK. Not any great lines stand out, but no awful lines really come to mind either.
In my opinion this is a pretty decent film. It has some good effects and a good story and a great ending! I recommend this to someone looking for a thrill ride!
Plot- 9.5
Dialogue- 8
In my opinion this is a pretty decent film. It has some good effects and a good story and a great ending! I recommend this to someone looking for a thrill ride!
Plot- 9.5
Dialogue- 8
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Shawshank Redemption
When picking my first movie to review this was a very hard choice. I then decided that Shawshank had to be my first. This is one of, in my opinion, the greatest movies ever made. The film has a great story and one of the best endings ever. This movie shows you that no matter how bad things get everything can get better as long as you try. Andy is a banker who is falsely accused of two murders and given two life long sentences at Shawshank prison. Andy at first is an outcast, but soon becomes best friends with a fellow prisoner named Red. Along the way you meet some great characters. This movie has a great plot and great acting also! Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins are cast perfect for their roles. They fit the image of this characters from the book perfect. Bob Gunton as the Warden this movie just has a wonderful cast. The Dialogue of Shawshank is great. This has some of the best lines "Get busy living or get busy dieing" and no dumb liners really stick out. Overall this movie is great. I recommend this movie to anyone it is a great tale. Andy Dufresne is one of the greatest movie characters ever.
Plot- 10
Plot- 10
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Introduction and how the ratings will work.
Hello everyone,
I decided to make a blog about movie reviews. I own a ton of movies and I love watching movies. I then thought about starting to review movies. I will try to review one or two movies each week. I will review movies I own currently which is around 300. I will also review a movie right away if I see it for the first time at the movie theater or on home media. I will also once in a while review a video game, but I am mostly reviewing movies.
Now with my rating system it will be out of ten with a twenty point system ex.(8.0,8.5,9.0). For movies and games I will have categories which I rate them. For movies it will be Plot, Acting, Dialogue, and overall. For video games I will use the categories Graphics, Audio, Story, Controls, and Overall. Another side not I will put up how I viewed the movie, and basic information about the game or movie.
If you have any questions feel free to ask and thanks again for reading my blog! I hope you have as much fun reading my review as I do writing them!
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