Congratulations to From Paris with Love for being my first netflix movie review! Now is the actual movie good?
This movie is basically about a government agent working for the government in Paris. Agent Reese is trying to work his way up in the ranks. Eventually and ironically the same night his french girlfriend asks him to marry him he gets a call. The phone call tells him to pick up another agent who has just arrived in Paris. At the airport he meets Agent Wax and his adventure begins!
The plot felt disconnected. What I mean by this is they seemed on just making sure their were over the top action scenes. I feel like I was watching a movie that the action scenes were made before the plot. The whole girlfriend working for the bad guys is nothing new to me with all the movies I have seen. They whole doing coke thing was unneeded and not very funny. Like comon is an FBI agent really going to be talked in to doing coke when he could possibly be tested and lose his job? Like I mentioned before the action scenes are great and fun but I felt disconnected from the story as a whole. Without spoiling too much the ending felt over used with the whole trying to make an anti-hero into a hero.
The acting was quite good for this type of film. The acting for the most part was good. At some parts it did feel stale and I felt like Travolta was trying to hard to try to be like Bruce Willis from Die Hard. Besides these minor problems I felt like the acting was good and Travolta played a good action type of hero.
The dialogue in my opinion was alright. Some lines didn't make much sense. With most action films the dialogue I feel was not as important as getting some crazy action scenes across. Some of the slower boyfriend girlfriend scenes had some ho hum lines also.
Overall this movie wasn't bad but it wasn't good. Travolta did a good job of trying to be a Bruce Willis Die Hard hero but the movies overall plot didn't grab my attention and felt overused and I felt like I had seen this movie already. If you want a quick 90 minute action film this movie is for you.
Plot- 6
Dialogue- 8
Overall- 7.5
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